If you have an Amex card, you should have gotten an email from them letting you know that you are eligible to redeem a 2-month free trial to an obé fitness monthly membership. This offer is eligible to all American Express Card Members and ends 8/16/2020. Trials are only available to new obé fitness subscribers and only for the monthly membership. You will be charged the full monthly amount of $27 after your first 2-months and charges will continue monthly unless cancelled. So make sure, if you don’t want to continue after the trial you cancel your membership. You do this by signing in at www.obefitness.com and navigating to your subscription settings. You can cancel anytime during the first 2-month free trial with no charge. Card Members must cancel the automatic renewal before the due date of their first payment as well as subsequent monthly payments to avoid being charged.
If you get the email, you will also have the option to share it with your friends for a one month trial. Make sure they know about canceling the membership too.