When it came time to destroy a credit card, I always used to use a regular scissor and cut my credit card in 1/2. I would then throw out each half in a separate garbage or throw each half out a few days apart. I still do this with my non-metal credit cards. However, with many of these new metal cards, cutting them in 2 pieces is not so easy anymore.
Rob and I just got new Sapphire cards due to some fraudulent inquiry on our old cards. Chase sent us the new cards and with the cards, sent us a prepaid envelope to ship our old cards back to Chase. I could not find Rob’s old card, so I asked him about it. He told me he did in fact cut the metal Sapphire card with a scissor. I am saving mine for him to do the same tonight. I want to see him do it. I thought it was impossible.
For those of you who do not have people in your life with the strength to cut a metal card, as I said above, you can return old cards to the bank via the mail or by dropping cards off at the actual bank, or by any other way that you have to destroy an old card.