Last week I posted about the fact that I canceled my JetBlue Plus MasterCard having received a notice that $99 annual fee was coming due in November. I called Barclaycard to see if they would make me a retention offer. They didn’t, nor would they downgrade the card to a no fee version.
However, merely a week later, I had Rob call as well with the same issue. However, he did get an offer to downgrade the card to the no fee option of the JetBlue MasterCard and he jumped at it. In general, I prefer this downgrade option and use it when I can instead of canceling (not that it would have been a big deal if I did have to cancel).
I am not sure why Rob got the downgrade option and I did not. He may have just gotten a more thorough phone rep than I did. Regardless, at least one of us got it.