A credit card does have an interest rate and allows you to have a revolving balance that you can pay off over a period of time (with interest). Generally, credit cards have a credit limit. If you do not make a set minimum payment by the due date, you will be charged a fee and obviously will incur interest. You can avoid paying interest on a credit card by paying the balance in full before the grace period ends. You do not need to have as good of credit to get a charge card versus a credit card. HOWEVER! the difference between a charge card and a credit card shouldn’t really matter if you want to play the points game. Don’t forget, the only way to successfully play the game is to not incur interest charges or fees. These interest charges/fees can negate any amount of money you save on free travel. Remember, I taught you that in #4 in Let’s Get Started To Earning Free Travel. So regardless of what type of card you have, credit or charge, don’t carry a balance. Pay if off each month!