The major credit card rewards programs allow you to transfer points to various hotel and airline loyalty programs. The major programs include American Express Membership Rewards, Chase Ultimate Rewards, Citi ThankYou Rewards and Starwood Preferred Guest points. Note that I am listing Starwood here as a credit card program in that it offers 5,000 bonus points for every 20,000 points transferred to a variety of airline programs.
One airline loyalty program that accepts point transfers from ALL of the above major credit card programs is Virgin Atlantic Flying Club. It is the only airline that I have posted about that is a partner with all 4!!
If you are a member of American Express Membership Rewards you can transfer your Membership Rewards points, in 1,000-point increments, to your Virgin Atlantic Flyer Club account. At the time of this post, 1000 American Express Membership Rewards points equals 1000 Flying Club miles.
If you are a member of Chase Ultimate Rewards you can transfer your Ultimate Rewards points to your Virgin Atlantic Flying Club account. Your points transfer at 1:1 value. That means one Ultimate Rewards point equals one Virgin Atlantic Flying Club mile.
If you are a member of Citi Thank You Rewards you can transfer your Thank You Rewards points to your Flying Club account. At the time of this post, 1000 Citi Thank You Rewards points equal 1000 Flying Club points.
Starwood Preferred Guests can transfer up to 79,999 of their Starpoints per transaction per program within a 24-hour period to their Virgin Atlantic Flying Club account at a 1:1 ratio. In addition, for every 20,000 Starpoints transferred within the same transaction, Starwood will automatically add another 5,000 Starpoints! This means that up to 94,999 Starpoints can be transferred into your frequent flyer account. (15,000 points transferred for the first 60,000 of the 79,999). Note, unlike some of the other programs in which you can transfer points to airlines, points transfers through SPG are not instantaneous.